2457-0397 (e-ISSN)
It is published by the ‘Bharat Publication’.
Yes, it is an open access journal.
Yes, it is peer reviewed journal.
Double blind review model which means that both the reviewer (s) and author (s) identities concealed from the reviewers, and vice versa, throughout the review process. All submitted manuscripts are reviewed by three reviewer one from India and rest two from overseas.
Generally, all query will be resolved within 24 hours
Author is authorized to send paper directly to the email address of the journal. All paper submitted should be cutting edge, result focused, original paper and within the framework of the journal.
Journal does not accept paper that having plagiarized contents. Good quality plagiarism software/ tool (Turnitin / iThenticate) will be used to check similarity that would not be more than 20% including reference section. In the case of exclusion of references, it should be less than 5%.
Either iThenticate or Turnitin software.
Please visit journal website. Click ‘Publication Ethics and Malpractice Statement’ tab, there is available journal review policy.
Yes, you are eligible to submit your research work but paper should be within the scope of the journal. It is please noted that paper should be result oriented, plagiarism less than 20% including reference section
Please visit journal website. Click to ‘Topics Covered’ tab, there is available topics covered.
No, you have to send full length paper for review process.
It depends on reviewer response. It will take minimum of 02 to 03 weeks.
All submitted manuscripts are reviewed by three reviewer one from India and rest two from overseas. This journal uses double-blind review process, which means that both the reviewer (s) and author (s) identities concealed from the reviewers, and vice versa, throughout the review process.
Maximum 05 papers to be submitted by one author for same volume/issue.
Maximum 05 authors are to be allowed a paper.
No, It is advised you, do not submit the same article to multiple journals at the same time. You should wait for review report.
No, for initial paper submission, it is not necessary that paper should be as per journal template.
Yes. Final paper should be prepared as per journal template.
Only paper is to be submitted to the journal email address.
Please visit journal website. It is available in the 'Paper Template' tab.
There should be minimum of 03 pages and maximum of 10 pages that cover all the aspect of the research.
If you are not able to convert your paper as per journal template then don’t worry. Send your paper in single column.
Any author can sign copyright.
If author write us within 24 hour(s) then changes are possible. Please email a copy of the published paper and MS Word file of your paper. Please mark yellow background which you want to change/ correct. Please write your ‘paper ID and correction is needed’ in subject area of the email.
After publication, any rectification / updation is not possible. It is clearly mention in the website and your acceptance letter also. It is please noted that corrections are not possible in the ‘title of the paper’, ‘author(s) name’, Abstract, Keywords, Page numbers, References, Retrieval No, DOI, Volume No and Issue No.
Author is free to withdraw his/her paper at any time but before signing the copyright. There is no any force. After signing the copyright, paper cannot withdraw at any condition.
Yes, please visit journal website and click to ‘Author Guidelines’ tab.
Please visit journal website and click to ‘Publication Ethics and Malpractice Statement’ tab.
Yes, it is fully refereed, peer reviewed, double blind journal.
Yes, every paper will be assigned by DOI. You can it after publication of the paper.
You will receive an acceptance letter, review report (on demand), published paper, publication certificate and plagiarism report (on demand).
No, our Journal does not have print ISSN.
Yes, if paper is published in regular issue of the journal then author will receive certificate in their email within 02 days after the date of publication.
Yes, you can get the hard copy of the publication certificate on demand upon payment of the courier charges.
No, it is not possible and it is also illegal. If someone is providing you, then they are also doing illegal work.
Since the journal is open-access, there is no need of subscription.
Yes, you can use it but you have to mark as a reference.
Yes, you can use. It is open access journal but you can not use it for resell purpose.
No, this journal is not predatory journal. A predator journal are those journals that not having proper policy details of journal, not having peer review policy, not showing proper communication details, not having proper editorial team, etc. While this journal having each and every policy and respective details.
You just need to send your resume along with your all educational documents, identity proof and a photograph. We will send it for consideration. This process may take 04 to 05 weeks. The candidate must possess a valid Ph.D. degree for applying for the post of reviewer/editorial board member of the journal.