Plagiarism is to use someone else's text without attribution, whether you intend to do so or not. Just a
sentence or two of accidental plagiarism may have serious consequences. It is difficult not to take
suggestions from a site or some other author when writing the 'Research Article.' Universities
recommend any guidance for the paper's citation. Manuscripts with unintentional instances of
plagiarism may result in lack of time and difficulty with the English language. Journals regard these
instances as a breach of ethical principles of publishing, which sometimes contribute to rejection. They
harm the image and credibility of an author as a researcher too. University specifically forbids plagiarism
of any type in the research article. Because there's no precise way to make sure that no one has done
the same thing you've been dreaming of doing in your study, students accidentally fall into the
plagiarism pit.
The minor and major project reports of PG and UG students will be accepted for submission, if the similarity index is less than 10 percentage. When the similarity index exceeds the required percentage, students are instructed to adjust and re-submit the report's soft copy before the similarity index is lowered below the required percentage. Recently UGC has released guidelines to eliminate plagiarism activities for universities.
Originality checking helps educators to test students' research for unsuitable citation or possible plagiarism by comparing it to constantly updated databases. Through originality report gives instructors the opportunity to teach proper citation methods for their students as well as to safeguard the intellectual integrity of their institution. Here are a few simple steps to write a content free of plagiarism:
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