We are continually delivering profitable, more committed and gradually loyal customers in conjunction with clients.
BHARAT PUBLICATION is a growing publisher in various fields. Bharat Publication is an international quarterly, open access and peer-reviewed publication house. It is committed to bring out the highest excellence by publishing unique, novel research articles of upcoming authors as well as renowned scholars.
International Journal of Advanced Engineering
ISSN: 2457-0397
International Journal of Analysis of Basic and Applied Science
ISSN: 2457-0451
International Journal of Law, Management and Social Science
ISSN: 2581-3498
International Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Studies
ISSN: 2457-0419
International Journal of Technology, Science and Engineering
ISSN: 2457-1016
We have numerous Editorial Board Members/Reviewers from all round the globe. They have expertise in their respective fields.
We check for plagiarism on all documents before sending it to you. Upon completion of your order please feel free to request a plagiarism report.
Our team members are also considered customer service. Those people always work hard to please our customers and expect happiest customer reviews.
Share your time limit by which you would like us to complete your assignments. Our writers manage the time to invest accordingly with your task.
One of our writing service's advantages is that we give competitive rates to our customers.
Privacy is vital to us, and safe handling of all orders. We never share your personal and financial details with any third party.
Our customer service is always available to help you with any questions about your PhD degree.
We are pleased to answer all your emails associated to your PhD degree, immediately, without any delay.
We are continually delivering profitable, more committed and gradually loyal customers in conjunction with clients.
Recognizing what the client needs and answering them quickly is one of the most ideal ways to illustrate our concern.
Security in research contributes to the secrecy that has stood in that research for members.
You send your research article through email to info@bharatpublication. Only full length paper in MS-Word format is accepted. Please do not send your paper to multiple journals at a time.
We have a team of skilled previewers with experience of 10 years or more from several disciplines. We send your paper to three reviewers who specialize in your field.
You will get the acceptance/rejection letter of your paper within 1-2 week(s). If your paper gets accepted for publication, you need to submit the copyright form and pay the publication fee.
After the copyright form and pubication fee is submitted, your paper will be published within 48 hours. You will receive an email with your published paper and publication certificate.
Based on your preference you can do your Ph.D. at any university. But each university has different processes of registration which may confuse you and make it extremely difficult for you to enroll. Therefore, in India, we have the best Ph.D. guidance; we help you to enroll in universities of international quality.
To suggest a research paper, an issue should be clearly defined. Our PhD support team can help you to quickly recognize the problem because they have professional expertise and experience in that specific domain. They must think outside of the box to find a suitable remedy to the problem found, and they can also provide reasons for their contributions.
Thesis and synopsis writing is a painstaking task, therefore, our experts will provide Thesis writing service / synopsis writing guidance to guide you through it. At Bharat Publication, we are simplifying the process and providing the PhD research scholars with safe and confidential thesis writing guidance to successfully complete their thesis and there will be no setbacks.
You'll have one more barrier to cross after your thesis writing process, i.e., viva, where you're expected to defend your research. For that we will provide great help in the preparation of a PowerPoint presentation by showcasing all the essential components of your research
We have the experience of a decade. We met thousands of students, published numerous research articles, helped numerous projects, proposals, and chapters that were specialized. We have all the support you need!
Our scholars have a strong belief in us. In the process of their research work, most of the scholars who approach us are stuck-this is where we support them. We also provide free revision till their satisfaction.
We follow proper guidelines provided by UGC for research paper publication. At Bharat Publication, not only do all reviewers review the paper; they get deeply involved in every article, provide you with logic and answers.
BHARAT PUBLICATION is a growing publisher in various fields. Bharat Publication is an international quarterly, open access and peer-reviewed publication house. It is committed to bring out the highest excellence by publishing unique, novel research articles of upcoming authors as well as renowned scholars. As per UGC Regulation 2016, a Ph D scholar must publish a research paper in referred journal.
'Bharat Publication' provides a service which not only checks the copied content but also removes it. To test for plagiarism, we use the best method such as Turnitin. We do several tests to ensure that there is no sign of plagiarism in the Research Paper we produce. We also provide you with Turnitin report.